Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Mission

The Dhiarry was founded as an outlet for all my excretions: mental, physical and emotional. In the spirit of the old adage "you gotta make chicken salad out of chicken shit," it is in this forum that I will attempt to sift through the waste and drivel that is constantly circulating in my mind and spewing out of my mouth to find the kernels of genius, and make the resulting concoction in to a veritable "genius salad," to be enjoyed on a sandwich, a salad, on crackers, or even as a standalone treat. However you like yours, I'm sure you will find plenty of the necessary ingredient on this blog. So, enjoy, the first one's on the house.


Dan said...

From the moment you were born, I've been interested in your diarrhy. Love, Mom

Dan said...

first of all - "dan: didn't say on the last blog, "mom said"!!
and i agree that your comment "the waste and drivel that is constantly circulating in my mind and spewing out of my mouth" is wholeheartedly the spirit of this blog...
let's channel it to constructive activities!!

BKop said...

no business like show business...or,
as they say in Barzellia,
tell it like it was!

can't wait to see (that will suffice as senses go)
the excretions....

love ya
Uncle B

Dan said...
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